Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Years Wish

Be thankful and happy for what you have.

Don't make yourself unhappy because of what you don't have. Remember, the media and advertising industry were created to promote discontent and unhappiness. They have sold us on the idea that if you buy product X, you will be happy.

Our society has bought into this hook, line and sinker. We work harder than any other nation on earth. We spend more than any other nation on earth. We have more debt than any other nation on earth and for what? Iphones and 60" LCD Televisions? Prada handbags and Jimmy Choo shoes? 3,000+ square foot "starter mansions" and BMWs?

Look around and see that we are blessed with an abundance which is unprecedented in human history. However, all this focus on "stuff" has taken energy and time away from the things that really matter, relationships with your friends and family.

If you are looking for a really good New Years resolution, make a resolution to spend more time with your friends and family. Instead of spending more money, spend more time with the people that matter to you! Spending time is infinitely cheaper and provides much more satisfaction than stuff does.

In the end, you can't take any of this stuff with you.

Nobody ever says on their death bed, "If only I spent more time at the office."

Happy New Year!

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