Saturday, March 1, 2008

FJ Quote of the Day

"Many Americans are now realizing that being tied to material items comes at a heavy costs. If you have beaucoup debt you are unable to do other things. When you ask Americans to imagine a wealthy individual, they will tell you that they drive in a foreign luxury car, wear a $5,000 watch, and live in an uber
McMansion. Yet the reality is very different. As highlighted in the Millionaire Next Door, many of the day to day millionaires drive nice but not super expensive cars, live in modest homes, and don’t spend ridiculous amounts
on artifacts of wealth.
The book was written before the housing bubble but the fact remains, wealth is not possession of expensive items. Wealth is having the freedom to do what you want. Having massive amounts of debt hanging over your head is not wealth, it is a financial albatross that will take your freedom away."

Thank you Dr. Housing Bubble for such an eloquent quote! I also recommend you read "The Millionaire Next Door", it is a fascinating book about what it takes to become wealthy in this country!

I've also added a link to Dr. Housing Bubble's website on the right. Please check him out. His "Real Homes of Genius" are awesome!

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